My family LOVES to have breakfast for supper. It is a low cost meal too! One thing that has always frustrated me about our weekly pancakes and bacon/sausage is that we are always running out of syrup. But not any more! A friend of mine has a blog @ and she has some wonderful ideas for a frugal family life. My favorite idea is the homemade pancake syrup recipe. It is so yummy, so easy and of course pocketbook friendly. I make it and put it in canning jar. I punched holes in the lid for easy dispensing. The best part is you can stick left-over syrup in the refrigerator and microwave it for the next time. Here is the recipe. Enjoy!
1c White Sugar
1c Brown Sugar
1c Water
1t Vanilla Extract
Heat sugar and water in saucepan on low/med heat until all sugar is dissolved. (You can bring to a boil but remove from heat shortly after.) Remove from heat. Warm a jar or glass measuring cup with HOT water. (This is so the glass doesn't crack from the heat) Then pour in the syrup. Add the vanilla and stir. Enjoy fresh warm syrup on your favorite breakfast meal!
About Me

- ItsFuntobeFrugal
- Hi! I am a stay-at-home wife and mother. I have been wondering how to save my family money. When it came right down to it, we had pinched as much as we could and I knew our grocery bill was my last resort. There are things that we buy that I know cost way too much. I have found some really inexpensive recipes, alternatives and tips for things on my grocery bill and just stuff around our house. I want to share these money saving tips with all of you and also get some new ideas from you. Enjoy!
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